2. Screw Assortment Kit
This assortment pack is designed with the most useful fasteners for around the house. Contains an astonishing 230 total pieces; comprised of 4 different sizes of sheet metal screws, 4 different sizes of wood screws and a free #2 phillip driver bit.
3. Hollow Wall Anchor Kit
This anchor pack is designed for light to heavy duty hollow wall anchoring needs for the home or office. Contains 5 different types (over 100 pieces); comprised of 3 types of hollow wall anchors, the necessary screws and a free #2 phillip driver bit.
4. Household Assortment Kit
This assortment pack is designed as a handy fastener resource for the kitchen drawer or out in the garage. Contains 8 different types of items; comprised of wire brads, common nails, thumb tacks, push pins, cup hooks, plastic ribbed anchors, wood screws, picture hangers and a free measuring tape.
Corporate Headquarters 26940 Laguna Hills Rd., Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-2622 949-643-4700
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